Penis Extender Flesh Pink

Penis Extender Flesh Pink BondageBox UK

Penis Extender Flesh Pink


Out of stock


Hey boys, your girl complaining of not getting enough sensation, keeps on complaining about not being satisfied and wants a longer thicker penis to enjoy? Well, now you can put a stop to all that by simply using the Extender Natural!The Extender Natural is a unique super PENIS EXTENSION that will lengthen and thicken your won penis! That’s right, now you can give her more, make her enjoy a more fulfilling experience and enjoy the orgasmic pleasure of an extra long and super thick penis!Keep your girl quiet by giving her what she really needs!

Availability: Out of stock Category:

Additional information

Weight0.06 kg
Product size

3 Inches


Hot soapy water and toy cleaner


1 to 5 inches


Flesh Pink



Designed for who?


Brand Name

Seven Creations


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